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Trans Inclusion Policy

Policy Statement

This policy is to ensure that Skate Canada has a diverse and inclusive, barrier-free environment where every employee, board member, skater, official, coach, volunteer, and affiliate organizations of Skate Canada feels valued, respected and supported.


Our inclusion and diversity initiatives are only successful when they touch every area of our business. They focus on our employees, board members, skaters, officials, coaches, and volunteers and affiliate organizations of Skate Canada.

Inclusion in sport is a fundamental value for Skate Canada. As an organization, we recognize that having more diverse participants will only strengthen our sport. As a result, our organization is fully committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment for all, regardless of any actual or perceived differences based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, language, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or disability.

Skate Canada recognizes that discrimination, prejudice, or harassment based on personal attributes, including gender identity and expression, is a violation of human rights and will not be tolerated. Our organization is fully committed to implementing inclusive policies and practices that ensure trans identified people are able to participate in a safe, open, and welcoming environment in our sport.

This policy is one part of Skate Canada’s LGBTQI2S (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, two-spirit) inclusion strategy.

The policy should assist in:

  • Offering a work environment that is supportive of all people – where every employee has the opportunity to realize their full potential
  • Ensuring our skaters, officials, and coaches are supported through the delivery of Skate Canada programs that embrace the fundamental value of inclusiveness and diversity
  • Ensuring that we serve as an example to the skating community, investing in programs that seek to promote, celebrate, and recognize diversity in society overall
  • Ensuring that we create a level playing field for diverse volunteers and suppliers of Skate Canada

Skate Canada must comply with relevant legislation and regulations as applicable, including the Canadian Human Rights Act (“Act”), the Ontario Human Rights Code (“Code”) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act (“PIPEDA”).

Policy Scope/Applicability

All employees of Skate Canada; and all divisions thereunder shall adhere to the policy as outlined.
All members of the Board of Skate Canada.
All skaters, officials, coaches, volunteers, and affiliate organizations of Skate Canada.

Policy Requirements

As an inclusive organization, Skate Canada is committed to:

  • Use of Name and Pronouns: We will make every effort to learn and use the name and pronouns that our staff, registrants, Members, and volunteers identify with.
  • Use of Toilets, Change Rooms and Other Facilities: Skate Canada will make every effort to provide all individuals with safe access and use of toilets, change room, and other facilities in accordance with their gender identity and/or gender expression.
  • Gender Inclusive Attire, Images, and Language: Skate Canada will ensure that our dress codes respect an individual’s gender identity and/or gender expression. The images that we use in our written, video, and online materials will reflect the diversity of our organization and will use gender inclusive language in all communications. Discriminatory language will not be tolerated, as addressed in anti-harassment policies and the Skate Canada Code of Ethics.
  • Support for Transitioning Individuals: Skate Canada is committed to having in place the necessary support for individuals to successfully transition within our sport. We will ensure that all members in our sporting community are treated with dignity and respect in accordance with their expressed needs.
  • Safeguarding an Individual’s Right to Privacy and Confidentiality: Skate Canada recognizes the privacy rights of all our members. We will only ask for information about gender from our staff and members when it is critical to the services or programs, in a manner that is inclusive, and for which there are no consequences for abstaining. We will respect and safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of any staff or member who is trans, recognizing that failing to do so may place that individual at risk.

  • Reporting and Escalation/Exceptions

    There are no exceptions to this policy. Any issues or conflicts with this policy will be escalated to the CEO.


    This policy is reviewed and approved at a minimum every year, or sooner if there are legislative or regulatory changes, as part of Policy Validation in accordance with the Policy Framework.

For the most up to date and accurate information, please check Skate Canada's website at

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